Report on my work in Kluang, Malaysia, 4th – 8th June 2012
Joshua Chan
Sent by the Music for Our Young Foundation, I attended the 14th Festival of Chinese
Orchestral Music of Independent Chinese High Schools of Johor and Melaka, Malaysia held
from 5th to 7th June 2012 in Kluang Chong Hwa High School in Kluang City. The Festival was
attended by 700+ high school students from 8 schools. They all play Chinese instruments. I
was invited by the organizer as the Keynote Speaker and Chief Conductor. I had several
rehearsals with the joint‐school 100‐member Chinese orchestra on 2 compositions of mine:
The Great Verdigris Bell and Wind Crescenti, and we performed these pieces in the final
concert held on 6th June. On 7th June, I gave a lecture to all 700 students on the topic of
Chinese orchestral music. During the lecture, I also commented on the performance of each
orchestra of the 8 schools. Besides having me, the organizer has also invited several
instrumental teachers from Singapore and Malaysia to give special lectures on the Chinese
instruments. Each school also came with at least 2 teachers.
I received warm hospitality by the organizers, especially Mr. Kelvin Chan (the former Board
member of the Klaung Chong Hwa High School) and Mr. Liaw Wei‐keong (the Principal of the
school). Mr. Chan and another colleague of his gave me a lift from Singapore to Kluang on 4th
June, showing me the School and the facilities the same day. I left Klaung on 8th June, with Mr.
Chan’s accompaniment to Kuala Lumpur International Airport by car.
This was a very meaningful trip for all parties. The students worked hard and enjoyed
learning from the visiting teachers, and I was amazed by the high standard of Chinese music
training in Malaysia, and how much the Malaysian Chinese treasure the opportunity to
practice Chinese culture in Malaysia, a Muslim country with only 24% of its population being
Chinese. I did not realize there are actually many young people learning Chinese instruments
today. The following photo shows me standing among the students.
標籤: 居鑾中華中學
發貼者: Music for Our Young Foundation @ pm 3:27
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